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Housing Loan Survey


A random sampling procedure was used to determine the 500 survey participants (5.8% of all recipients). Participants were from 30 of the 57 neighborhoods who had such a program. The participant pool was all persons who had received an NRP funded home improvement loan or grant between January 1, 1993 and September 30, 2000.

The questions asked included questions contained in the 1993 Minneapolis Planning Department Survey of Minneapolis homeowners and the sampling of all Minneapolis residents conducted in 1999 by the Minnesota Opinion Research Institute (MORI) for the Teamworks evaluation of NRP's first ten years.

Responses for questions 18 and 20 were compared to responses to the same questions from the 1993 Planning Department survey of homeowners. Responses for questions 13-17, 19, and 21-26 were compared to responses for a control group of Minneapolis residents who were asked the same questions as part of the 1999 TeamWorks evaluation.

Interviews were conducted by an independent research firm. Interviews were conducted by phone and the non-respondents were replaced by the next random participant. 2 follow-up return calls were made to all initial non-respondents. This process yielded the 500 responses used in the survey data.

Overview Summary Data Conclusions Program Recipients Survey Results
Related Research Footnotes

Housing Loan Survey Table of Contents


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