Contract Summary (R-03a)
Contract Name68 2019-2021 CPP Engagement Efforts
Neighborhood(s)68 EPIC
Reference NumberCOM0001317
DescriptionContract with East Phillips Neighborhood Association to carry out community engagement efforts in the Midtown Phillips neighborhood and prepare a Neighborhood Priority Plan.
Current Amount$127,138.89
Paid To Date$131,148.13
AgencyNeighborhood and Community Relations (NCR)
ContactEthrophic Burnett
NameEast Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC)
ContactCarol Pass
Address2636 18th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Start Date1/1/2019
End Date12/31/2021
ORIGINAL ENCUMBRANCE9/17/2019$76,200.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $55,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts  $3,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $16,200.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts  $2,000.00
AMENDMENT #102/28/20$76,200.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $55,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts  $3,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $16,200.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts  $2,000.00
AMENDMENT #201/29/21$189,343.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$130,793.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts  $5,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $43,550.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $10,000.00
AMENDMENT #306/11/21$39,682.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $15,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $24,682.00
AMENDMENT #406/24/21$-39,022.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$-39,022.00
AMENDMENT #508/19/21$-31,000.00
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$-31,000.00
AMENDMENT #602/05/22$-184,264.11
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$-112,029.6
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$-21,661.19
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts$-43,417.10
68 EPIC1.1.42017-21 CPP Engagement Efforts $-7,156.22

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