Contract Name | 68 Phase II Administration | |
Neighborhood(s) | 68 EPIC | |
Reference Number | 43629 | |
Description | Contract with East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC) to coordinate implementation of the neighborhood's NRP Phase 2 plan. | |
Current Amount | $88,000.00 | |
Paid To Date | $12,153.32 | |
Balance | $75,846.68 | |
Agency | Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) | |
Contact | Ariah Fine | |
Phone | (612) 673-2243 | |
E-mail | ariah.fine@minneapolismn.gov | |
Name | East Phillips Improvement Coalition (EPIC) | |
Contact | Carol Pass | | |
Address | 2536 18th Ave S |
| Minneapolis, MN 55404 |
Phone | |
| |
E-mail | info@eastphillips-epic.com | |
Start Date | 4/1/2018 | |
End Date | 12/31/2025 | |
Status | in progress | |
68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $1,500.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $7,500.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $1,000.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $0.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $0.00 | |
68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $4,750.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $17,750.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $2,500.00 | |
68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $1,500.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $7,500.00 | 68 EPIC | 7.1.1. | Action Plan Implementation | $1,000.00 | |
68 EPIC | 6.2.1. | Positive Street Identity | $3,000.00 | |
68 EPIC | | | $10,000.00 | |
68 EPIC | | | $10,000.00 | |
68 EPIC | | | $20,000.00 |