Nominations Sought for the 2008 Minneapolis and Saint Paul Home Tour

November 7, 2007 - NRP is currently seekng nominations for the 2008 Minneapolis and Saint Paul Home Tour. Homes on the upcoming tour will be open Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 27 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Tour will be held on these dates regardless of weather conditions.

During the tour, the homeowners are present at each of their homes to greet visitors, provide information about the house and answer questions. At some homes, contractors, architects or other suppliers are present to provide information and answer questions.

If you are a resident of Minneapolis or Saint Paul and would like to nominate your home for the 2008 tour, call the NRP at 612-673-5103 for information on getting involved in the tour. Planning starts immediately, with most nominations in progress by November 2007. So if you want to use the tour as a deadline to get things done, start your planning now!

If you are a contractor, architect, or other vendor with a project in either of the two cities that you think might be of interest, you can also call the NRP number above to get information about how to participate in the Tour.

Download the 2008 Home Tour Nomination/Application Form

Go to the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Home Tour Web Site



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