NRP Releases Citizen Participation Focus Groups Report

On October 13, NRP staff convened six focus groups from 93 city residents to obtain feedback about their thoughts and experiences with the citizen engagement processes of the City of Minneapolis. The focus groups were initiated by the NRP to help inform the Minneapolis Community Engagement Project (MCEP) launched by Council Members Dan Niziolek and Scott Benson. The goal of the MCEP is to create a framework, guiding principles and specific actions for establishing a community engagement system for Minneapolis city government.

The 93 residents in the focus groups represented 53 of the city's 70 neighborhoods with neighborhood organizations. Feedback from the groups is now available in a report that has been submitted to Council Members Niziolek and Benson and the remaining members of the Minneapolis City Council, the NRP Policy Board and Minneapolis Mayor R.T.Rybak. A copy of the report was also sent to each of the focus group attendees. For more information regarding the NRP focus groups, please contact Joe Horan at 612-673-5144.



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