The Global Marketplace Development Partnership is working to create an exciting new food marketplace on the first floor of the Midtown Exchange (formerly the Sears Building), on Lake Street in South Minneapolis. The marketplace will host 50 to 60 small businesses primarily offering a world-wide variety of fresh and prepared ethnic food.
Request for Consideration (RFC) forms are now available for people wanting to open a business in the Global Marketplace. RFC's will be accepted until December 31, 2004. However, the Global Marketplace Development Team will begin selecting a limited number of RFC's to submit a full application, based on the fit with the Global Marketplaces' product mix goals. The full application criteria is listed on the RFC form. A request for a full application does not imply acceptance into the market. Final tenant selection decisions will be made by the Global Marketplace Development Team during 2004 and 2005.
For more information on the Global Marketplace, or to obtain an RFC form, please visit the Midtown Exchange Web site at
Download the Global Marketplace Request for Consideration form. You will need a copy of
Acrobat Reader to view the Request for Consideration form.