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NRP Policy Board: March 24, 2008 Meeting Agenda


  2. APPROVE MINUTES of February 25, 2008


    1. Lowry Hill East NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Lowry Hill East NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $747,852 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and activities in the plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2008-01
      Moved: Scott Vreeland/ Seconded: Ken Kelash

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004 the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board approved a Phase II allocation for the Lowry Hill East neighborhood of $747,852 based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP;

      WHEREAS: The neighborhood conducted a Phase II neighborhood planning process that began in 2007 and has submitted a Lowry Hill East NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $747,852;

      WHEREAS: The Lowry Hill East neighborhood has allocated at 73% ($496,000) of their Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan to housing programs, projects, services and activities;

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board hereby accepts and adopts the Lowry Hill East NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board hereby authorizes the Director to request that the City Council and Mayor [a] approve the Lowry Hill East NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan, and specifically those parts of the Plan that fall under City jurisdiction, for their Phase II allocation of up to $747,852; [b] amend the 2008 General Appropriation Resolution to increase the Fund 01CNR (NRP Fund) by $252,480 from existing fund balance for implementation of the approved Plan; [c] and authorize the appropriate City officers to reserve the remaining $495,372 for Plan implementation in a reserve account within Fund 01CNR for future years expenditures on the approved Plan provided that no more than 70% ($523,496) of the amount approved for the Plan shall be obligated in the first three (3) years after approval of the Plan; and [d] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above.

    2. NRP Fund Allocation for Allina Jobs Contract

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve an increase of $245,000 in the Phase I allocation of Midtown Phillips to accommodate a transfer of NRP funds to Midtown Phillips for the Job Relocation, Resident Recruitment and Community Stabilization Agreement between the Allina Health System, NRP, Midtown Phillips and the City of Minneapolis.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2008-02
      Moved: Scott Vreeland/ Seconded: Barbara Johnson

      RESOLVED, That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") approves an increase of $245,000 in the neighborhood allocation for Midtown Phillips to accommodate a transfer of funds from the City of Minneapolis NRP Fund 01CNR to Midtown Phillips;

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That this increase shall not be counted, in any way, against the calculation of the Phase II allocation for Midtown Phillips;

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That this allocation shall only be used to fund the contract implementing the Job Relocation, Resident Recruitment, and Community Stabilization Agreement Between the Allina Health System, NRP, Midtown Phillips, and the City of Minneapolis; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That any repayments on this loan be credited first to Midtown Phillips until their investment is fully returned and then to the NRP's City of Minneapolis Fund 01CNR Administrative Contingency allocation.

    3. Additioinal funding for Neighborhoods

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the staff request to research possible sources of existing NRP revenue that can be reprogrammed to increase the funds guaranteed to neighborhoods in Phase II.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / FR#2008-03
      Moved: Barbara Johnson/ Seconded: Scott Vreeland

      RESOLVED, That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") directs NRP staff to identify sources of revenue from previous actions of the Board that can be potentially reprogrammed to increase the funds guaranteed to neighborhoods in Phase II; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director report on the staff findings at the April Policy Board meeting, with recommendations and the impact of proposed recommendations on neighborhood allocations.

    4. Legislative Support Resolution
      This resolution was introduced at the meeting

      ACTION TAKEN: [NRP / PR#2008-03
      Moved: Beverly Conerton/ Seconded: Jeffrey Strand/ Amended by Ken Kelash/ Seconded by Scott Vreeland

      Whereas, The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) was enabled by Legislative action and established as a Joint Powers program in 1991 by multi-jurisdictional actions to preserve and enhance private and public infrastructure, public health and safety, economic vitality, sense of community, social benefits and capacity building in the neighborhoods of the City of Minneapolis (City); and

      Whereas, House File 3821 and Senate File 3643 have been introduced during the 2008 Legislative session, and would provide a long-term stable funding source for neighborhood organizations and NRP through the extension of the Common Project Tax Increment Finance (TIF) districts, and;

      Whereas, The Legislation is consistent with the NRP Policy Board's Resolution on the Future for NRP (NRP / PR#2007-23) adopted December 17, 2007;

      Therefore Be it Resolved, the NRP Policy Board support Legislation designed to extend the authorization of Common Project TIF Districts beyond 2009 for the purposes of funding NRP through 2019; and,

      Be it Further Resolved, that a major purpose of this extension shall be to provide at least $100 million to NRP to make up for the gap between the original commitments to NRP and the revenues currently projected through 2009; and,

      Be it Further Resolved, that the NRP Policy Board supports the passage of House File 3821 and Senate File 3643 and takes no position on the amendment to Sec 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 469.1831 Subd. 6a. Minneapolis NRP; governing board.

      Be it Finally Resolved, that the NRP Policy Board authorizes the NRP Director to advocate on behalf of the legislation and to communicate the importance of the legislation to neighborhood organizations.



    1. CARAG Neighborhood NRP Phase I Plan Review

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file.

      Download the Related Staff Report

    2. St. Anthony West NRP Phase I Plan Review

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file

      Download the Related Staff Report


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