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NRP Policy Board: November 21, 2005 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of October 24, 2005


    1. Linden Hills Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Linden Hills NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $530,161 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

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      [NRP / FR#2005-22] Moved: By Paul Ostrow Seconded: By Ken Kelash Abstain: Debbie Evans

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004 the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") approved a Phase II allocation for the Linden Hills neighborhood of $530,161, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP;

      WHEREAS: The neighborhood conducted a Phase II neighborhood planning process that began in 2004 and has submitted a Linden Hills NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $530,161;

      WHEREAS: The Linden Hills neighborhood has allocated at least 70% of their Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan to housing programs, projects, services and activities;

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Linden Hills NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to request the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $500,715.50 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($371,113) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

    2. Standish Ericcson Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Standish Ericsson NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $1,087,274 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

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      [NRP / FR#2005-23] Moved: By Mark Stenglein Seconded: By Ken Kelash

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) established the Phase II allocation available for the Standish and Ericsson neighborhoods at $1,087,274 based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP,

      WHEREAS: The Standish and Ericsson neighborhoods have conducted an extensive and inclusive Phase II plan development process,

      WHEREAS: the submitted Standish-Ericsson NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan requests an allocation of $1,087,274 and dedicates 81% of that allocation to housing programs, projects, services and activities,

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Standish-Ericsson Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan dated November 21, 2005,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to: 1) request the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation Resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) appropriation by $1,000,551, and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contract or agreements necessary to implement the activities above, and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to seventy percent (70 %) of the amount approved for this plan ($761,092) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

    3. Harrison Neighborhood NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Harrison NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $846,641 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

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      [NRP / FR#2005-24] Moved: By Mark Stenglein Seconded: By Diane Hofstede

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004 the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") approved a Phase II allocation for the Harrison neighborhood of $846,641, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP;

      WHEREAS: The neighborhood conducted a Phase II neighborhood planning process that began in 2005 and has submitted a Harrison NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $846,641;

      WHEREAS: The Harrison neighborhood has allocated at least 70% of their Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan to housing programs, projects, services and activities; RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Harrison NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to request the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $806,983.50 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($592,649) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

    4. NRP Fiscal Year 2006 Administrative Budget

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and adopt the FY 2006 NRP Administrative Budget in the amount of $1,512,293.

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      [NRP / FR#2005-25] Moved: By Ken Kelash Seconded: By Debbie Evans

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board (Board) approves and adopts the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Administrative Budget for Fiscal Year 2006, in the amount of $1,512,293 as detailed in "Attachment A" to the November 16 Administrative Budget Proposal memorandum which is incorporated herein by reference;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board authorizes the Director to spend up to $1,512,293 in FY 2006 on administrative expenses generally in accordance with Attachment A, with total expenditures in the "Compensation" (4000-4900 and 7800-7860 account codes) and "Non-Compensation" categories to be limited to the amounts indicated in that budget, but with discretion to adjust amounts among the specific "Non-Compensation" line items as needed and between "Compensation" and the "Non-Compensation" category for "Professional Services" without further approval from this Board; and appropriates $1,512,293 of NRP Program Moneys for administrative expenditures in 2006;

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director is hereby authorized and directed to request that the City Council, City of Minneapolis, appropriate $ 1,512,293 to Fund CNR0-890-3550 for the purposes herein authorized, and to request that CPED immediately transfer $1,512,293 to the NRP's City of Minneapolis Fund 230; and,

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director is hereby authorized to negotiate and sign any Professional Services Agreements or Memorandums of Understanding needed to secure the services in "Attachment B" to the November 16 Administrative Budget Proposal memorandum.

    5. Contingency Funds to Support Jobs Program with Allina

      ACTION REQUESTD: Approve the use of up to $120,000 from the NRP Administrative Contingency Fund to support the relocation of Allina jobs to the Midtown Exchange.

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      Download the Related Amended Staff Report

      [NRP / FR#2005-26] Moved: By Ken Kelash Seconded: By Debbie Evans

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") supports the Job Relocation, Resident Recruitment, and Community Stabilization Agreement Between the Allina Health System, NRP and the Neighborhoods of South Minneapolis ("Agreement") as detailed in the Attachment;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board approves the reallocation of up to $120,000 from the Phase II administrative cost contingency fund established through NRP/PR #2004-17 as an NRP commitment to the relocation loan offered under this Agreement to the Allina Health Systems;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the NRP commitment will be processed only if it is requested in a strategy in a neighborhood action plan or is being included in an action plan modification;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board views this reallocation as a one time event and an extraordinary exception to meet a high priority neighborhood need and request and that it shall not be viewed as a precedent for depleting the administrative contingency fund;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That resolution NRP/PR#2004-17 is amended to reduce the "$1.5" in the resolution by the final amount, if any, used to support this loan;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That any neighborhoods wishing to be added to this agreement after the date of execution must invest a minimum of $5,000 in the loan pool.

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That any investments will be deducted from the amount invested by NRP.

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board authorizes the Director to spend up to $120,000 for this loan and negotiate and sign any Agreements needed to transfer these funds without further approval from this Board; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to request that the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation Resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR-NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) appropriation by the amount needed for this loan, up to a total of $120,000, and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements needed to implement the activities above.


    1. NONE


    1. Policy Board Neighborhood Representative Election

      ACTION REQUESTED: None. Results of the November 17th election announced for the record.

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