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NRP Policy Board: March 28, 2005 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of February 28, 2005


    1. Bylaws Committee

      ACTION REQUESTED: None. Report from the Committee.

      [NRP/PR#2005-04] Moved: By Kakos and seconded by Olson

      RESOLVED: That the Policy Board of the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program authorizes the Executive Director to distribute the proposed policy changes, for review and comment, to the neighborhoods if approved by the committee.

    2. New Housing Fund Option

      ACTION REQUESTED: Review proposed guidelines and authorize distribution to the neighborhoods for review and comment. Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/PR#2005-05] Moved: By Fey, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board accepts the draft Higher Density Corridor Housing Initiative developed by staff and authorizes the Director to distribute the proposed addition to the NRP Housing Funds Options to the neighborhoods for their review and comment, in accordance with the adopted policy of this Board;

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That comments be submitted to NRP by 4:30 p.m. May 17, 2005.


    1. Community Oriented Policing Services Reserve Fund / Final Report

      ACTION REQUESTED: Review the final report on the uses of this fund and decide what to do with the unspent balance of $165,880.04.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2005-10] Moved: By Kelash, Seconded: Evans, Abstain: Fey

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board expresses its appreciation to the Minneapolis Police Department and to the neighborhoods that implemented projects/programs funded by NRP's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Reserve Fund for their efforts to specifically improve public safety and the results that they achieved;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the COPS Reserve Fund was for activities to be completed in 2004 and that the Fiscal Year has ended and all billings have been received and processed for payment;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the remaining unexpended balance of $165,880.04 be reallocated proportionately to the neighborhoods and increase their respective Phase II allocations accordingly.

    2. Indian Neighborhood Club - Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Proposal

      ACTION REQUESTED: Waive minimum score 0f 70 requirement for the "Indian Neighborhood Club" proposal, reduce the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund project management allocation by $84,359, and award $84,359 to fund eligible costs for the INC project.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      Move to Reconsider Resolution [NRP/FR#2005-08]: By Olson, Seconded: Laher

      [NRP/FR#2005-11] Moved: By Dorfman, Seconded: Fey

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") hereby approves the recommendations of the NRP Director for the use of $3,297,770 of NRP program funds from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and

      RESOLVED: That the Board waives the requirement that a "a minimum of 70 points" must be received "for a proposal to be considered for funding" for the Indian Neighborhood Club proposal; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That these funds be awarded to the following projects, contingent upon their being able to comply with all appropriate regulatory requirements and to close on the project no more than eighteen (18) months from the date of this approval:

      $ 90,000 to the Clare Apartments Project,
      $500,000 to the Bridge Center for Youth Project,
      $300,000 to the Ripley Gardens Project,
      $200,000 to the Hawthorne Avenue Apartments Project,
      $400,000 to the St. Anthony Mills Apartments Project,
      $725,000 to the Midtown Exchange Apartments Project,
      $305,000 to the Village IN Phillips - Phase 2 Project,
      $200,000 to the MS Residence Project, $175,000 to the 3310 Nicollet Condominiums Project,
      $125,000 to the Karamu West Project,
      $ 84,359 to the Indian Neighborhood Club, and
      $193,411 for project management

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board authorizes the Director to request that the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $3,297,770 to fund the NRP's 2004 Affordable Housing Reserve Fund, and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above.

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That this resolution supercedes and rescinds in its entirety Resolution [NRP / FR#2005-08] passed by the Board on February 28, 2005.

    3. RFP for Housing Fund Administrators

      ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the Director to finalize and distribute an RFP soliciting Fund Administrators for Housing Funds 1-6 approved by the Policy Board on November 22,2004.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/PR#2005-06] Moved: By Strand, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board authorizes the NRP Director to proceed with finalizing and distributing the RFP to secure Fund Administrators for Funds 1-6 for the Housing Funds approved by the Board on November 22, 2004,

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Director will provide recommendations for the Fund Administrators for each Fund to the Board for approval after the RFP is issued, responses are received and the assessment of proposals is completed.


    1. East Harriet Farmstead Phase I Review

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file. Download the Related Staff Report


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