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NRP Policy Board: January 24, 2005 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of December 20, 2004


    1. Appointment of a Nominating Committee

      ACTION REQUESTED: None, chair will appoint a nominating committee and charge it to present a report for the election of Policy Board officers at the February meeting.

      No staff report for this item

      [NRP/PR#2005-01] Moved: Strand, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Chair of the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board consider appointing Nicholas Kakos, Byron Laher and Diane Hofstede to the nominating committee for 2005 officers.


    1. Pay Increase for NRP Staff

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve a 2 percent pay increase for NRP staff.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2005-01] Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Strand

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board hereby approves a 2% increase for all NRP staff effective January 24, 2005.

    2. Minneapolis Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP funds for Longfellow

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the use of $12,355 from Minneapolis Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP funds to support computer lab improvements at Longfellow School.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2005-02] Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Strand

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board approves the use of $12,355 of Minneapolis Schools "Second 7.5%" NRP funds for computer lab improvements at Longfellow School.

    3. Armatage NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the revised Armatage NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $375,682 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2005-03] Moved: Strand, Seconded: Olson

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") approved a Phase II allocation for the Armatage neighborhood of $375,682, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP; and

      WHEREAS: The neighborhood conducted an extensive Phase II neighborhood planning process that began in 2002 and has submitted an Armatage NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $375,682; now

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Armatage NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan dated December 14, 2004; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to request the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $352,571 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($262,977) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

    4. Stevens Square NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Stevens Square NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $376,427 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in the plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2005-04] Moved: Fey, Seconded: Dorfman

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board ("Board") approved a Phase II allocation for the Stevens Square neighborhood of $376,427, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP; and

      WHEREAS: The neighborhood conducted an extensive Phase II neighborhood planning process that began in 2001 and has submitted a Stevens Square NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $376,427;

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the Stevens Square Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan dated November 11, 2004; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to request that the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2005 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR- NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $351,427 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($263,498) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

      [NRP/PR#2005-02] Moved: Strand, Seconded: Kelash

      WHEREAS: The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board has received concerns orally and it writing about problems with operations of its Management Review Team, hereafter "MRT", and;

      WHEREAS: Certain provisions of the NRP Policy Board's MRT Policy have become obsolete by virtue of the City of Minneapolis' Focus Minneapolis - CPED reforms;

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the NRP Policy Board directs the Bylaws Committee named by the Chair to study the present operation of the MRT as established by its Policy adopted April 3, 1995 and report back to the Policy Board at its March 28, 2005 meeting with options to reform or abolish the MRT.


    1. Audit Report for Calendar Year 2003

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and file.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: Received and filed.

    2. Update Report on Legislative Activity


    3. Neighborhoods and Policing Options



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