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NRP Policy Board: November 22, 2004 Meeting Agenda



  3. APPROVE MINUTES of October 25, 2004


    1. Policy Board Meeting Dates for 2005

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the schedule of 2005 Policy Board meetings.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: Adopted.
      [NRP/PR#2004-38] Moved: Olson, Seconded: Kelash

    2. Housing Funds Proposal

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and adopt the NRP housing funds proposal and guidelines and authorize their use by neighborhoods as an option for housing strategies in Phase II Neighborhood Action Plans.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/PR#2004-39] Moved: Rybak, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board approves and adopts the "NRP Housing Fund Proposals & Program Guidelines" dated November 22, 2004 as the framework for NRP sponsored Housing Funds that will be offered to neighborhoods;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Director is authorized to begin development of a Request for Proposals to describe the proposed funds and seek potential Fund Administrators;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Director provide the Board with the draft RFP for review, comment, and approval by January 14, 2005.

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That each fund plan administrator in concurrence with the NRP executive director has the authority to modify or adjust the housing program guidelines as deemed necessary provided the modifications are not substantive or significant in nature.

    3. NRP Business Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and adopt the NRP five-year Business Plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/PR#2004-40] Moved: Kelash, Seconded: Hofstede

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Policy Board (Board) approves and adopts the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Business Plan for 2005-2009 with the amendments attached to this Memorandum;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Director is authorized to distribute the 2005-2009 NRP Business Plan to the neighborhoods of Minneapolis and the jurisdictions partnering in NRP.

    4. NRP Fiscal Year 2005 Administrative Budget

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve and adopt the NRP housing funds proposal and guidelines and authorize their use by neighborhoods as an option for housing strategies in Phase II Neighborhood Action Plans.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2004-23] Moved: Hofstede, Seconded: Kelash

      RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board approves and adopts the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Administrative Budget for Fiscal Year 2005, in the amount of $1,545,912 as detailed in "Attachment A" which is incorporated herein by reference; authorizes the Director to spend up to that amount on administrative expenses generally in accordance with Attachment A, with total expenditures in the "Compensation" (4000-4900 and 7800-7860 account codes) and "Non-Compensation" categories to be limited to the amounts indicated in that budget, but with discretion to adjust amounts among the specific "Non-Compensation" line items as needed and between "Compensation" and the "Non-Compensation" category for "Professional Services" without further approval from this Board; and $1,545,912 of NRP Program Moneys for administrative expenditures in 2005;

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director is hereby authorized and directed to request that the City Council, City of Minneapolis, appropriate $1,545,912 to Fund CNR0-890-3550 for the purposes herein authorized, and to request that CPED immediately transfer $1,545,912 to the NRP's City of Minneapolis Fund 230; and

      RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Director is hereby authorized to negotiate and sign any Professional Services Agreements or Memorandums of Understanding needed to secure the services in Attachment B.


    1. Powderhorn Park Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the revised Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Phase II Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $687,638 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in this plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2004-24] Moved: McLaughlin, Seconded: Kelash

      WHEREAS: The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) adopted the Powderhorn Park Phase II Neighborhood Revitalization Plan on September 23, 2002;

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board ("Board") approved Phase II allocations that included an allocation for the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of $687,638, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP;

      WHEREAS: The amount allocated to Powderhorn Park was significantly lower than the level projected for the neighborhood when its plan was being developed and initially approved;

      WHEREAS: The Powderhorn Park neighborhood has conducted an extensive Phase II neighborhood plan review and modification process and has submitted a modified Powderhorn Park NRP Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $687,638;

      THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the modified Powderhorn Park Phase II Neighborhood Revitalization Plan dated June 29, 2002 and revised November 4, 2004;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to: 1) request that the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2004 General Appropriation resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR - NRP Program Fund (CNR0-890-3550) by $497,868 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($481,346) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.

    2. Logan Park Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan

      ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the revised Logan Park Neighborhood Phase II Action Plan and authorize the use of up to $418,010 of NRP Program Funds to support the projects and programs in this plan.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      [NRP/FR#2004-25] Moved: Ostrow, Seconded: Olson

      WHEREAS: The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) adopted the Logan Park Phase II Neighborhood Revitalization Plan on September 22, 2003;

      WHEREAS: On April 19, 2004, the Board revised the Phase II allocation available for the Logan Park neighborhood to $418,010, based on the Phase II revenues projected for NRP;

      WHEREAS: The Logan Park neighborhood has conducted an extensive Phase II neighborhood plan review and modification process during 2004 and has submitted a modified Logan Park NRP Phase II plan that requests a Phase II allocation of $418,010;

      BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Policy Board (Board) hereby accepts and adopts the modified Logan Park Phase II Neighborhood Revitalization Plan dated June 29, 2003 and revised July 22, 2004;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Board hereby authorizes the Director to: 1) request the City Council and Mayor [a] amend the 2004 General Appropriation Resolution by increasing the Community Planning and Economic Development Department agency Fund CNR0 - NRP Program Fund (CNR)-890-4550) appropriation by $369,110 and [b] authorize the appropriate City officers to enter into any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the activities above;

      RESOLVED FURTHER: That up to 70 percent of the amount approved for this plan ($292,607) shall be available for obligation in the first three (3) years after approval of the appropriation for this plan.


    1. Results of the NRP Neighborhood Representative Election

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and File.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: Received and filed.

    2. Prospect Park/East River Road Phase I Plan Review

      ACTION REQUESTED: Receive and File.

      Download the Related Staff Report

      ACTION TAKEN: Received and filed.


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